Saturday, April 17, 2010

This one is for YOU - Tamsin!

 Today Jasper and I went to the Market. Believe it or not it was the first time since I arrived in the Netherlands 2 months ago! I was really excited. We actually only spent about 2 minutes at the market, but it was such a nice day to walk around the centrum. Here is a silly picture of me in the V&D with a silly old lady hat on......

Near the market we saw these ladies all dressed in pink! It was soo cute and fun. I couldn't help sneaking a picture.....

Oh and it gets better! There was some sort of singing performances going on! haha As you can see the street is filled. Its no wonder on such a beautiful day. It's truly the first day we have had such wonderful weather! Look at the BLUE SKIES w/o a cloud in sight. Sorry the video is sideways. It was done on Jaspers cell phone held sideways! Oops! hehe It's still worth watching. . .

Then there is my FAVORITE part. Dille and Kamille! I found out about it from a previous post dear Tamsin made! I made sure to find the place and SHOP there! This one is for you Tamsin-Pie!

Thats right there are 3 floors to this wonderful place! =D

We bought a few kitchen items that we have really been needing and/or wanting. It was a fun day and I hope tomorrow is just as nice of a day! Maybe we will do some more painting! 


  1. Yay, I'm so glad you found it! Dille & Kamille looks like just my kind of store, so you will have to take me there some day :)

    (I'm trying to disguise my jealousy here.)

  2. Im glad I found it too! It's a great store and not expensive at all! Thanks to you we will shop there more and you shall come with someday! PLEASE!
