Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Best B-lated B.Day EVER!

This year, since I live so far away, I wasn't expecting much for my birthday. Oh boy was I ever wrong! My patents surprised me , or at least did their best to, with not one, but two of the most thoughtful and extravagant presents ever. I'm not sure how I can begin to thank them for it all. They paved attention to what I have been talking a lot about lately, photography and  learning Dutch! I got Rosetta Stone to learn Dutch and a Digital camera (Nikon D90 w/ an 18-200mm lens). However the camera with its really cool camera backpack got held up in customs...they wanted money! I guess that's what happens when I move to another country. My poor patents were so stressed about it arriving safely, as was I. After many phone calls to the post office and customs my present was released for a small bail. I have had it in my possession little over 20 minutes of posting this blog! I can't wait to test it out!!! Talk to you all later...


  1. Yay, I'm so happy you finally have it in your little hands! :)

  2. I am SO SO FIRED! I KNEW I was going to flake out & miss your 'Happy B-day Wishes' AGAIN! Ugh! I'm SO glad you got spoiled, more than a little it seems! Yeah for you! Love you & happy belated b-day from me too! :o)
